Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ajari Anakmu dengan Hal-hal Baik!

"Whatever you teach a child,
whether it's through your words or through your actions,
lives on forever in his or her heart."

Semua kata-kata bijak di blog ini didapatkan dari Ibu Ratnawati (Utien). Many thanks.

Has-been vs Could've-been

"The world is full of could've-beens. A could've-been is worse than a has-been. At least the has-been was "there" once."

Power of Pray

"Do you think millions of people throughout the ages
would have believed in prayer if it didn't work?
Discover the power of prayer for yourself.
It's no secret!
And it's available for free;
all you have to do is try it."

Love is Giving

"Love is giving, especially when it hurts."

Fame vs Success

" Don't confuse fame with success. "

Many different colours but important

"A painting is made up of many different colors, each one important and necessary."

Make Friend with Enemy

"The best way to conquer your enemies is to make them your friends."